The Scribe

A Journey Started…

Some blogs start with a bang.  An explosion of words that leaves one as breathless as a small child under the Fourth of July sky.  A riotous coupling of syllables which tantalizes the senses and inflames the passions.  Instantly, even the most layman among us can tell: A master is at work.  Tremble in awe and despair, for his/her reign is nigh!

Then there’s me.  My blog won’t start with a bang.  It won’t even start with a very in depth post.  At best, my blog will have a definitive point at which future generations can look back and say “Yep, this was post number 1”.  Not flashy, not awe inspiring, no Star Spangled Prose lurking within these pages.  Just me.  Justin G Wallace.  Father, husband, office employee, gamer, nerd extraordinaire, and aspiring author.  That’s right!

From a deep and abiding love of everything to do with books, and a love of writers which is a true example of Rockstar and Groupie dynamics, I intend to throw my hat in the ring.  From what I understand, of every 100 individuals who start on this path, exactly 1 one of them will reach the end destination.  In addition, it is vital that a brand is built either concurrently with the book launch, or well before it.  Digital media and whatnot being what it is, being an author is significantly different than when my idols began.

But I will not be deterred.  I will write.  I will start my journey, even if it the first step is nothing so monumental as “Day 1: Check”.  Stephen King once stated that writing was a muscle, which must be trained daily.  Some days, you’ll sit at your desk and simply shovel verbal shit for hours on end.  You’ll write what feels like a masterpiece, only to realize upon editing that it’s a dud.  You’ll endlessly toil on what feels like utter rubbish, only to turn around and have everyone under the sun lap up each word of it.  But the only way from A to B, from Couch to Novel, is to write.  There is no other secret to it.  Simply the act of writing, done endlessly and ceaselessly.  Day in and day out, training the muscles of the mind.

So that is what this is.  A chance to train my muscles.  These posts will not be as in depth as others.  I will be doing this daily, so the length will be pretty constant between 500 – 1000 words a day. I suck at Interneting, so the blog will be without bells and whistles for some time.  They too will grow slowly.  In conjunction with this blog, I will be launching a Twitch stream for my favorite game of the day, Path of Exile.  And I will also be doing a YouTube channel under my own name.  It will consist of my toils and tribulations as I practice the act of writing, and also work on building my bodies muscles in addition to my minds.  (Down 37 pounds!)

So, here it is.  This is me.  Another voice in the endless ocean of words that is the Internet.  I cannot know now where the journey will end.  I’m positive that when J. K. Rowling started her journey, she couldn’t have imagined where it would lead.  But I do know this: No matter what happens from this day forth, I shall never be the same Justin G Wallace that started this journey.  And that’s not a bad thing at all.


Teller of tales. Horrible liar. Fair hand at video games and card games.