• Interludes,  The Scribe

    Learning to Walk Again

    Today has brought something into sharp relief that had not been apparent until the last month. Every single struggle I’ve had over the last year and change has been exacerbated by work. Yes, I have had my fair share of…

  • Interludes

    What was Fallow Ripens Once More

    It’s hard for me to describe where my head is at right now with this new job. I feel like a man who has been battling a deadly disease, one whose prognosis and final destination were long ago sealed in…

  • Epic Tales

    Hope – Part 3

    I’d forgotten how nice it feels to have a story to keep me grounded. Happy Holidays everyone.  Hope – Part 3 The feed stopped as suddenly as it had started. The image hung in the air, brain matter dripping off…

  • Epic Tales

    Hope – Part 2

    I promised myself that I wouldn’t let posts here linger any longer.  I didn’t anticipate my father dying. I’m writing again but it’s going to be a long time before it feels as fluid and natural as it once did. …

  • The Scribe

    Hope – Part 1

    “That’s what they get for sending a man to do a woman’s job.” The quiet condemnation came from the woman entering the command center of the Nexus Project. The techs, scientists, and the Adjunct Commander of the facility turned towards…

  • The Scribe

    A Season of Changes

    I’ve had the Quill now for six years as of this summer. That normally wouldn’t be a huge deal. Hell, there are t-shirts I’ve owned for twice that amount of time. I have receipts that I’m using for bookmarks that…