The Scribe

On Anger…

I do not feel like writing today.  I am upset at all the things my day job does wrong.  Upset at all the ways that I have to cover myself in the event something goes belly-up.  All the ways that my manager is looking every moment for something I’ve done wrong, rather than seeing all the things I do right.  Tired of paying the price for the sins of our IT Department.  That’s business today “Guilty unless you can prove otherwise, to be fired at the soonest convenience.”

I give and I give of myself to this faceless company.  I toil, I wrestle, I sweat, and I labor for their gain and take only crumbs for myself.  I am used and abused with the iron clad certainty that the first time I try to take issue, I can be replaced with another in an endless line of disposable employees. 

Then it hit me like a blow to the stomach: This is quite literally the only way that I can escape the daily grind.  Writing.  Words are the only thing that will set me free to enjoy my existence rather than endure it.  That moment led to a second revelation: Anger will carry me through days where I would otherwise give up. 

Now, I’m not talking about blood-boiling road-rage inspired table flipping.  No, I need to take all of my frustrations, all of my ill-treatments, and all of my personal anxieties and throw them into whatever engine powers my fingers.  I need to take the anger I feel and pour it out on paper.  I need to use it to take me out of what might have been an otherwise unproductive day, and instead work the muscles which shall be my salvation.  I must use the excrement handed to me by those whom I rely on, and simply add it to the fire of my passions. 

Rage alone is not enough.  Feelings of ill-use without action serves no purpose.  Anger without direction is a loose cannon.  Beware the tempered steel of my anger World, for words can shake the very foundations of the Earth.  I shall not wear these chains for all of my days, I shall not be shackled in place with no hope of escape from the endless labor set before me.  I shall win my freedom.  I shall use the anger within to shape the world without. 

Do your worst World.  I am ready for you. 


Teller of tales. Horrible liar. Fair hand at video games and card games.