The Scribe

Just Writing Today

Another wonderful weekend, over too soon.  Had a lovely day off due to President’s Day.  Not going to lie, I had a quiet home, all to myself, free of any cares or responsibilities.  So what did I do?  SLEEEEEEEEP.  I slept an absolutely astonishing amount of my day away, and I couldn’t be happier about it.  I love my family to tears, but the fact remains that I spent the significant majority of my life as a bachelor, and I am nocturnal to boot.  So yeah, daylight plus quiet home plus white noise equals Justin sleep nirvana.

I wanted to do a post yesterday, but I’m going to take a more relaxed approach to holidays / weekends.  Sunday is mine now, as are any holidays where I am off from the day job.  Same deal with days where I take vacation time.  Been nigh on four months since my last vacation day, and due to issues with work backing up, that doesn’t appear likely to change.  So, establishing some better ground rules, subject to change as always.

ABRUPT TRANSITION:  Tonight, I tore / strained a muscle in my chest (apparently connected to the rest of my body BY PAIN) while I was doing some pushups.  It’s become a new norm for me to do pushups as a break from sitting at my computer so long.  I have an exercise bike in the office for that purpose as well.  However, rolling around on the ground, writing in pain, while my family looks on unable to do anything has brought me to a rather chilling cliff: I’m 32, going on 33.  I. can’t. replace. my. body.  I don’t get another one.  If a hip wears out, I can’t go to the store and buy a brand new one which works as good if not better.  If my hip gives out (a real danger), then all I have is a bad hip, a few hundred thousand in medical bills, and a shortened lifespan and degradation in my quality of living for the remainder of my time on this planet.  Up until tonight, I have been treating my body as a replaceable resource, when it is quite literally the opposite of reality.

So, going forward, I’m redoubling my weight loss efforts.  I’ve slacked off, and become re-addicted to sugar over the holidays.  The holidays kind of blurred out from Thanksgiving all the way to late February.  No more.  I’m on diet, and I’m going to stay there.  I’m going to exercise even more diligently than I have been, and look into activities which encourage me to be active and mobile.  IE: Biking, Golfing (pushcarts baby), and going to the mall to walk with the family.  I’ll also be keeping tabs with it in the only way I know is effective: SHAME.  I will post, each day, my weight and how much activity I got on this here web page.  If that doesn’t motivate me, I don’t know what will.

Weigh in time: 3:31 AM – 243.6
Starting weight – 276
Goal weight – 200
Weeks to goal – ~43
Activity – Mostly planks, no running, no biking, maybe 3 pushups prior to the blowout.

Let’s do this.

Mind Like a Hive – I LIKE THIS STORY A LOT.  I’m just not sure I’m doing it justice.  I love the world I’m building, I love the characters and the setting.  I want to do it correctly.  I’m going to take some time, and write a rather longer session than my standard five hundred to seven hundred words.  I… I’m not going to lie.  I want Mind Like a Hive to be my own version of Codex Alara.  I love that world, I love the setting, the story, the characters, all of it.  And I like what MLAH could be, so I’ll take some time and do it properly.  I know that leaves all of you in a bit of a slump with no post yesterday and some fluff today.  I promise though, this will be worth the wait. 



Teller of tales. Horrible liar. Fair hand at video games and card games.