The Scribe

Witchy Eye by David John Butler

Very happy that I am in a position to post the review for Witchy Eye.  I met David John Butler last year at Kansas City Comic Con.  Meeting him, meeting Kevin J Anderson, and meeting Jim Butler were the catalyst for my dream to become reality.  So having the opportunity to review the work of one of these fine fellows is a remarkable opportunity.  Here we go.

Witchy Eye


David John Butler

Fantasy, as a genre, is incredibly difficult to enter.  So much has been done, and so much is being done, in that corner of the writing world that trying to make your own mark upon it can be maddening.  It requires an incredible mix of bravery and ingenuity to come out with guns blazing, and David John Butler’s entry Witchy Eye does so with gusto.  
The world that he crafts is both richly familiar and starkly alien.  He has taken words and places that we have known so long, and formed them into something wholly new.  That’s no mean feat, no small accomplishment.  To subvert our expectations of the world around us and build something new from the pieces requires dedication and study.  Both are on display from the first chapter to the last.  
The main characters are crafted with a skill that we can instantly relate to them.  Their early struggles, their growth, and eventual culmination never feel forced, nor do they feel fake.  It’s always wonderful to find yourself turning pages in anticipation of what new things are in store for the heroes.  
All in all, Witchy Eye is a fantastic novel, and one which will definitely be worth your time and money.  I cannot recommend it strongly enough.

Teller of tales. Horrible liar. Fair hand at video games and card games.