The Scribe

Meatsuit Reroot – What Sleep May or May Not Come

Let’s face it.  We don’t get enough sleep.  You, me, my wife, and basically 99% of the American population.

Have an argument against that statement?

Here. Is. My. Refutation.

Seriously.  That was four google hits.  I didn’t even break out LexusNexus or another advanced search engine.  It’s bad, and it’s only getting worse.

To be fair, I’m as guilty of this as anyone.  Of late, I’ve averaged maybe four to five hours of sleep a night.  It’s not a pretty picture, and I can 100% guarantee you it’s the main contributing factor to most of my issues.

‘But wait’ you cry unto the heavens, ‘Meatsuit Reroot is about weight loss!’  You are quite correct, but far too many of us think of weight loss as a simple matter of exercising enough.  I’ve some grave news to share with you: Exercise is the tip of the iceberg when it comes to weight loss.  For every hour in the gym or spent walking, three has to be spent planning meals and avoiding sugar, and getting a decent night’s rest is as important as the gym, if not more important. 

The harsh reality is that life is a lot of work.  For 99% of us, it’s a daily struggle against an array of forces which are attempting to grind us down.  Not (usually) out of any sense of malice, but just because life doesn’t give a hindquarter about any one of us.  It will smoosh us to paste and keep right on going.  Obviously, paste is not conducive to an active lifestyle.  Or life in general.

Trying to add weight loss on top of that is asking a person riding a uni-cycle across a tightrope while juggling to go ahead and add balancing a plate on a stick on your head, and instead of balls, juggle these chainsaws.  It’s… god it’s not pretty.  And the mess that can happen if you screw up isn’t much better.  So, if you’re anything like me, asking that much of yourself while also hacking your legs off at the knees by not sleeping enough, you’re going to fall.  Hard.  With many sharp chainsaws chasing you down.

Recently, and by that I mean Monday, I managed to secure some assistance in balancing my life.  My wife, bless her soul, let me move forward with treatment for my ADHD.  My mind runs a mile a minute before bedtime, and going to bed is something that took upwards of an hour laying down in order for me to actually nod off.  In addition, once I was up, I WAS UP.  Baby screaming at 2 AM?  Guess I only get three hours today, thanks body.  Not ideal.

So this week, I have somehow or another managed to secure a decent chunk of reliable sleep.  Not just spurts of a good night’s sleep broken by weeks without.  But a good, solid, go-to-bed-each-night chain of sleep.  It hasn’t always been for as long as I would like, but it’s been consistently during the evening, which is amazing.  I hardly ever get to enjoy such things.  I’m going to ride it while it lasts.


Teller of tales. Horrible liar. Fair hand at video games and card games.