The Scribe

Dragon Fyght – Part 2


Today, things got 1000% better.

I received, after several screw-ups yet again by agencies responsible for my fiscal well being, glorious news.  As of Wednesday of next week, I will have a check for a little over $6,500.  Given that I’ve been unemployed since May 5th, that is such a welcome influx of capital that I cannot appropriately express it.

Further, our house is nearing the sale point on a fantastic offer.  I have a lot of cleaning that I will need to do in order to get it ready for that stage, but I’m confident it can be done.  I may have to bring in some help, but so be it.  I can live with paying a sitter some cash so I can get everything checked off the list.

As far as writing goes, I’ve got something of an inspirational high that I would like to ride tonight.  The events of the day have pulled me out of a terrible head-space in a way I wouldn’t have believed just eight scant hours ago.  I refuse to waste such a welcome gift.  I have Diet Sunkist, I have a well rested toddler to keep me company, and I have a brighter future in Kansas City beckoning on the horizon.  Let’s rumble.

With further elation…

Dragon Fyght – Part 2

The jeers of the crowd were almost as deafening as the adulation they had shown only moments before.  King Ob’Hythan, Third of Name, turned to Highborn il’Lestra and raised a questioning eyebrow.  The Highborn chuckled, richly lacquered nails clicking in his silent amusement.  “Hytha, you haven’t given me a look like that in almost two hundred years.  They’ve a right to compete, and I’ve a right to bring them here.”  Hytha let out a sly grin, and turned to the tumultuous booing of the crowd.  “If they win Lester, the crowd will riot.”

A wicked grin, a flash of fangs, and a far more evil chuckle.  “Let them try.  They have forgotten that it is not the men who rule here.”

A clarion call pierced through the crowd then, and with a rush, the combat commenced.

“It is Matrons.”

To be continued…


Teller of tales. Horrible liar. Fair hand at video games and card games.