The Scribe

Life Updates

First off:

I’m sorry.

I try to make sure that I keep everyone reading this up to date on various writing and life projects and situations.

These last two weeks, I have let this lie fallow as I dealt with an enormous amount of turmoil in my life.

For all of my days, I have lived in the same city.  It’s not a small city, but it’s also not a big one.  I’m almost 33, so leaving the safety of the known at such a late date in my life is really, really nerve-wracking.  To compensate, I have moved within striking distance of all the friends I love to spend my time with.

The trade-off has already been worth it, but man has it been rough on everyone.  Me, the wife, the spawn, and even the cat!  To add to all that, I may very well be starting a new job in the next week.  Full time, and more physically focused that I’ve ever really dealt with.  That’s a good thing, but still yet another stressor that piles on to an already loaded plate.

Trying to juggle that and my writing, which still has yet to generate a single penny?  I’m sorry, but I’m not in a position to keep writing in mind (and all the angst and anguish that goes with it) on top of all the other things I’ve been dealing with.  I wanted to, and the first few days I was itching to sit down and write.

At the end of the day however, I have to be fair to myself.  Even though, I feel a great sense of responsibility for those who take the time to read my work, at the end of the day I have to care for myself first.  Part of what I look forward to as my career progresses are those chances to meet the readers and my fellow authors at conventions.  I want that interaction, and I crave those opportunities.  It’s why I continue to have my butt in this chair, and it’s why I’m still going to continue releasing my work, pennies or no pennies.  You’re worth it, and I’m worth it.

*finger flex*

Let’s get cracking.


Teller of tales. Horrible liar. Fair hand at video games and card games.