The Scribe

Dynamo – Part 4

I might have made a whoopsie.

You see, I don’t really draft out, outline, or otherwise plan my writing.  It’s something of both flaw and design feature for my writing.  It keeps me intrigued and animated while I write.  I’m exploring the dungeon of my writing in the same fashion as my readers: I never know whats around then next corner.

In my mind, it plays out a lot like the 2d dungeon crawlers of days gone by.  Think Shining in the Darkness or Phantasy Star I.  It’s a mystery what is next, but more often than not it is a blank wall, barring all progress.

Walls aren’t bad necessarily, but it does mean I have to back myself up and pursue another path.  With Dynamo, I may have run myself into a wall.

You see, my verbal notes had things playing out in a different fashion than what occurred with Monday’s writing.  It’s not an enormous deal, but it changes a lot of what I wanted to do with the project.  I’m going to have to do a lot of wriggling to get things back to where I want them, and it’s not going to be an easy fix.  I’ll probably have to do some shaky logic plays to get myself there.  It’s the constant worry with my writing style, but such as life. 

In the meantime, life continues to be interesting.  I took an enormous nap after a very long morning walk.  I hadn’t meant to do that, and it definitely wiped out the remainder of what I had wanted to do with my day.   I honestly wish I hadn’t done it, as my fragile balance obtained in the last few days is probably gone for awhile.  I hope I’m wrong.  I hope I can power through and keep on target.  We’ll see however.  If some instability is the price I pay for making sure my health becomes a habit, so be it.

Release news will be happening with some consistency in the new year.  I had made a lot of promises to myself about what I would and would not be doing with my writing over this last year.  2017 denied me that pleasure, instead becoming an unrelenting dumpster fire from which there was no escape.  2018 is on the horizon however, and while it is folly to rely on New Years resolutions, I do like the chance to wipe the slate clean and start over.  Anything to shake the stink of this last year off me.

UPDATE: Several life events have occurred today which will probably prevent me from writing.  Not the least of which is an extended internet outage of several hours.  I need to register the wife’s vehicle still, and I’ll also need to make time to exercise here soon.  I’ll do what I can, but most likely I’ll do a straight story post tomorrow.



Teller of tales. Horrible liar. Fair hand at video games and card games.