
Writing and Editing and Podcasts, Oh My!

Hi everyone!  The Quill has currently gone to plaid, so don’t expect too much from me over the next two days.  I’m still very much a one man band at this stage, so when I have a project, it is I who has to do all the editing, the technical work, update the website, create podcast pages,and so on.  All while managing a full time job, a full time three year old, and a wife who will soon be cooking child number two in the oven.  Her oven, not like… not like a real oven.

I’m not there… yet…

Anyway!  When that happens, I tend to lose posts.  Writing posts is a pretty serious time investiture, and even with my prodigious ability to type (one of my two natural assets), the fact of the matter is that each of these posts is roughly the length of your standard three page college essay.  Those aren’t easy to write no matter how good you’ve gotten at it, and to top it off I have to swing back around and land an edit on the thing.  I SUCK at editing as it’s not something I’ve done too consistently over my writing career.

So while making the words has become a rather simple affair and one I’ve gained no small amount of skill in, the vast majority of the actual work of writing (editing) remains an impenetrable fog through which I’ve no choice but to attempt navigation.  Honestly, it makes me pine for a correct approach to writing, wherein I would’ve written far less words (I’m up to… 320 thousand published words so far?  More?) and focused far more on making the ones I have managed to get down stick.

All it means is that I will need to push forward in the same fashion as I do everything else: with mindless, bulldog determination to get what I want no matter how ill-suited to the task I am.  It’s worked so far, so if it ain’t broke I’ve no intention of trying to fix it.

That having been said, you deserve a chance to have actual things to read in this space today, so I’ve taken what time I may prior to crashing for the night (at 4:30 AM, may I add).  It’s not the best that you deserve, but it is the best that I can do for now.

One day, things will be different, and I won’t have to struggle so much to meet the tall order I’ve set myself as far as creating content.  Until then, all I ask is that you bear with me.  Great things will happen in these pages, it’ll just be a little spotty until I can slow the juggling act to a more realistic pace.


The Unsheathed Quill


Teller of tales. Horrible liar. Fair hand at video games and card games.