
Sleeping and Not-Sleeping and Indie Authors, Oh My!

Hi everyone!

No post today.  I managed to go down at a decent hour, and although I had intended to wake early and write, that’s not what happened.  Decisions were made, and sleep was prioritized.

I don’t want to leave you with nothing, so I’ll have a little diddy in these here pages, then we’ll do some links, then you’ll have a post for Part 8 tomorrow.  I’m thinking that part 8 will be the conclusion, and then the new schedule of 4k words a week (one whole story) will start next week.

I write a lot.  On the average day, it’s pretty close to 1500 words.  I write on multiple projects at once.  Partly that’s to allow me to finish the rather ambitious schedule I’ve set for myself, and partially it’s because ADHD makes that the way I have to keep the demons at bay.  So when it comes time to write the blog, it’s usually the night before the post is due, and I’m usually writing in place of the sleep I should be getting.  I don’t get nearly enough sleep, actually, and it’s something both my wife and my doctors harp on me about.  It’s hard for me to sleep.  My friends were concerned as well, and we’ve tried a few over the counter options, but none of them do the trick.

When the backlash comes, and I actually manage as much sleep as I’m being pushed to get on a daily basis, I lose posts.  That’s not okay.  I set out to write this blog because I want to show potential agencies and publishers that I can produce as needed on a consistent schedule come hell or high water.  I still am not there, although posts like these are a far cry from where I once was.  It’s still not good.  So I’m investing in some changes that I think will allow me to compensate for my own sleep failures.

I’ve changed the format of the blog to be longer story posts, but more spread out over the week.  That did allow me to work on things over the whole course of the week instead of having to slam it out the night prior.  With the change to ~4k word story lengths, I’ll be able to do the entire story in one sitting.  I’ve managed to get my “long” sessions up to 4k words with no real downside, so I’ll focus on that length so that I can push for more “long” sessions on my days off.

Anyway, just wanted to leave you with updates and ideas.   Best wishes, and have a wonderful Friday!


The Unsheathed Quill


Story links!

Providence Part 1

Providence Part 7

Ticking Hearts Part 1

Bullets From the Heart Part 1

Teller of tales. Horrible liar. Fair hand at video games and card games.