The Scribe

After the Silence – Part 5

I have a new job!

For those keeping score, you know that work has been a constant thorn in my side.  I’ve been on the *ahem* business end of some weapons-grade lies, and I’ve been laid off twice in the last two years. 

It’s been a harrowing experience.  2018 was especially rough as I went through four separate jobs that year, as well as a small stretch of unemployment.

Then Monday happens.  Where I use a southern expression I inherited from my grandfather, dead these last three years, and knock an interview out of the galaxy.   I hit it off with the owner of the company, spending twenty plus minutes talking about his grandfather, who had gifted him with the same expression.  I have never felt so comfortable in an interview, nor more confident that I’d landed a job.

Then comes Wednesday, where I’m brought in and offered a job I hadn’t even applied for (and one they weren’t even hiring for) by the aforementioned owner.  Who is the owner of a multi-million dollar company, and looks me in the eyes and tells me that he would be an idiot to pass on someone like me. 

Me.  Mr. Get’s Laid Off Twice And Can’t Buy A Decent Job.  Being told by a guy who’s run a business for nearly thirty years that HE, not me, would be stupid to pass up this chance.

And then the job he hires me for gives me more money than I’ve ever made in my life.  Mor than I made running an entire department for the Kansas DMV.   Than I made handling billion dollar portfolios for AIG.  More than I’ve ever made in nearly fifteen years of full time employment.

Oh, I also start Monday.   OH!  And I get paid every Friday.  With paychecks bigger than they’ve ever been.  Every week, like clockwork. 

I’ve been readjusting my life around this new job.  I’ve had to readjust my personal worth, my sleep schedule (which appears on track due to extreme efforts of will), and the posting schedule for The Quill.  I know that means the timings are off, but I’m not going to apologize for the biggest boon I’ve had in years.

I’m grateful to all of you.  You all are so generous and patient with me, even during those times where I don’t feel I deserve it.  At some point I’ll figure out that I’m way out of kilter on my own value, but that day isn’t today.

I’m getting there and this week was a huge step along that path.

Now, however, it’s story time.

After the Silence – Part 5

This is not the story you’re looking for.

The Unsheathed Quill

Teller of tales. Horrible liar. Fair hand at video games and card games.