The Scribe

After the Silence – Part 6

Tomorrow is the first day on my new work journey.

Allow me to share a secret with you: I wish I could continue to set my own schedules.  I yearn to be the only one to whom I must hold myself accountable.

Alas, right now to have that means I must sacrifice a good deal of money.

The day may never come where I am my own master.  That thought keeps me up at night.  I have given so much to writing, and it may never show tangible results for my efforts.

That’s life though.  I can either rail against the forces which beset me, or I can get busy working towards the life I want.

If I want to continue my authorial journey, then I must form a new writing schedule and rigidly adhere to it.  I cannot deviate from it if I am to make any progress on my career.  Working full time means I am accountable for every spare moment.  Saturdays remain my own, to dispense of as I desire.  They are a chance for me to spend time with my friends and family.  It allows me to retain the last vestiges of the care-free gamer that I was in years past.

Sunday thru Friday is where the magic happens.  Sunday is the most powerful weapon in my arsenal.  I have a lot of writing that needs to be done each week, and Sunday is my chance to stay on target.

So I am setting myself a minimum, minimum, of five thousand words on Sunday.  I have all day, I do not have any religious commitments, nor do I foresee any arising.  I cannot stay out late because of work the following day.  All of my friends and family are under the same onus.  Sunday is a perfect day to remain in comfy clothes and slam away at the keys.

The increased word total has two purposes.  I have the weekly blog posts, but in addition I want to manage the releases for two podcasts each month.  One will be the new movie podcast, the other will be the continuation of Queen of Frost.  Part two of Queen is finished, but I am running into difficulties with my current Narrator.  I am low on their list of priorities, and I am loathe to pressure them when their entire efforts are pro bono.

The movie podcast is up to about two thousand words.  When all is said and done, that particular podcast will top out at around five thousand.  That podcast is a heck of a thing, and I don’t want to skimp when it comes to the subject matter: It’s near and dear to my heart.

Double posts will be restricted to Monday’s only.  Sunday gives me a chance to write two posts and not lose sleep.  Thursday?  Not so much.  I will be hard pressed to use Thursday to get even one post done, what with tiny human and the wife to care for, dinner to eat, and a gym routine to maintain.  I must guard my sleep with a jealous hand.

The Reign is Over is slated for long form release in first-quarter 2019.  I’m working on Temple in the Stars, but it’s run into issues as it is a rather significant re-write.  I want it to be excellent, and I’ll take as long as it takes to make it so.

I know this is more than usual for a preface, but there are times when you deserve to have a blow-by-blow update.  Things are often in flux here and the why’s and the how’s of it.   You are sharing this journey with me after all.


After the Silence – Part 6

Your story is in another castle.

The Unsheathed Quill

Teller of tales. Horrible liar. Fair hand at video games and card games.