• Interludes

    Focus on the Little Things

    My dad has a saying that sticks with me still all these years later: “Don’t sweat the little stuff, and in the end it’s all little stuff!” For the longest time, I was in agreement with him.  Then I met…

  • Interludes

    Expect the Unexpected

    Did you know that the rate of foreign body ingestion (FBI) by children under six has doubled in the last twenty years? Did you also know that boys are the most frequent culprits of such antics? If you’re wondering why…

  • Interludes

    When a Dream Becomes a Nightmare.

    I have a secret to share with all of you:  I have always wanted to be a streamer. Ever since Twitch was birthed into the cosmos, I have longed to participate. Is it to foster a community of like-minded souls…

  • Interludes

    Life at the Halfway Mark

    My job gave me a shirt this week and it made me cry with happiness. The shirt itself is pretty blah and was not the source of my tears.  No, it was the fact that when my boss called and…

  • Interludes

    If You Give a Tiny Human a Cookie.

    As I dig into my childhood, scrounging for things to share with my tiny human, I’ve come to realize that rodent-themed stories were the cornerstone of my young entertainment suite. Between Redwall, If You Give a Mouse a Cookie, The Secret…

  • Interludes

    Sirens In The Dark

    Being a parent scares me. That isn’t much of a provocative statement:  Parenting is terrifying by it’s very nature.  Humans are born helpless drooping poop-machines hell-bent on trying to murder themselves with everything they can reach.  Then, if you’re lucky,…

  • Interludes

    A Handhold From Disaster

    This morning’s post went from routine exercise to full-blown crisis with alarming speed. Everything that I loathe about myself came home to roost, and the weight of all my failures smothered each new attempt to write. 2019 has been a…

  • Interludes

    Waiting For My Car

    “Win or lose, star or not, you wait for your car with everyone else, and waiting for your car is a drag.”                                    …