The Scribe

Illness and Wellness and Updates

I’m battling a horrible illness alongside the tiny human.  Suffice to say, I’m not in any position for cognitive exertions.  I’m too sick to even concentrate on video games or reading. 

I’m too sick for video games, that’s how you know it’s serious.

So I’m going to take some time and give you an update on all things big and small in the Wallace World.

I have recorded, and am slowly editing, the first audiobook installments for Temple in the Stars Part 1 and 2.  I have Action Jackson ready to go, and am waiting only upon my good friend Megan to finish up prior to adding that to my released work. 

Part 4 of Temple is on hiatus.  It’s good, it’s interesting, but the ending is…. up in the air.  I’m not certain which direction I wish to take the story, so until I’m certain I will be holding off. 

For NaNo this year, I will be working on Anrachea.  I have plans to get two novellas finished, or about 32,000 words.  So far, because of prior commitments and illnesses and weddings, I haven’t written any.  2017 has been bananas, and November is showing no signs of letting up.  Hopefully I get some days to string together for writing.  We shall see, however.  We shall see.

If I have to swap NaNo to December for this year, so be it.  I don’t want to do that, I want to participate and enjoy the sense of community present, but I also don’t control most of the nonsense happening to me this year.  So again, we shall see.

All in all, this year has seen three releases on Temple, the first recorded audio work by Dr. Scrivner, and a bunch of progress on multiple projects.  I’ve gotten back to a sense of consistency with the blog, and I cannot even begin to tell you how much that has meant to me.  It’s hard to see progress sometimes, and when I can’t make any money or get any interest in my work (I’ve lost… 100+ followers on twitter no matter how much I attempt to engage people), it’s nice that I can retreat in on myself and just practice the art of writing.  Every little bit helps, and seeing the thirty or so readers I get on a consistent basis each time I post is all I have to hang my hat on more often than not.

Thank you, everyone.  I promise, all it does from here is gets better.  All I do is write more, practice more, learn more, and release more.  It goes nowhere but up.  Thanks for sticking it out with me while things have been so insane. 


Teller of tales. Horrible liar. Fair hand at video games and card games.